Saturday, April 12, 2008



Yay! It’s CalDay today! I hope everyone is having a good day. As you guys know, I’m in APATH, which is the Asian Pacific American Theme House Program. So for CalDay, which is our biggest recruiting event for future APATHers. Today, it was our day to present our skit that we’ve been working on for awhile. For our fall final, we split into groups to present a skit using Asian American terms such as Dragon Lady, China Doll, FOB, ABA, acculturation, assimilation, yellow fever, stereotypes of Asians, etc. Our group did our skit based on our own Korean Drama except the skit takes place in China, so it’s called Chinese Drama. The 2 skits that did well got to perform for seniors on Senior Weekend/CalDay. Our group won, along with “Asian Mario” (a parody of the video game). Our skit is supposed to entertain and educate these high schoolers about Asian American stuff. We practiced a lot and finally, today we performed our skit. It was nerve-racking but I feel very content. We also did commercials, dancing, and singing. Looking back at all our slideshows and all the events we’ve gone through, I’ve truly enjoyed my experience here at APATH. If you guys are interested or have incoming seniors who might be interested, then be sure to tell them about APATH. A lot of the issues that we’ve discussed in the Asian American Studies R2B class have been discussed in APATH. I’ve also taken Asian American 20A (as an APATH requirement) and so you really do get to learn a lot about the Asian American community and issues.
Ok, so back to the class, how’s everyone’s essay going? I thought that 30 minutes was definitely a good choice. I went in with a semi-looking outline because I really didn’t know what to do with all my ideas. Oh, I’m writing about A Gesture Life by Chang-rae Lee. I spent my time at the conference just going over my ideas with Christine and trying to find what I’m interested in writing about. This essay is going to be more difficult than the last because of the short amount of time we have but I think we now have a better understanding of how to write a good essay. I’m still in the mist of creating a good thesis. So basically, I haven’t written up anything yet. I hope you guys have better luck than I am having right now.
I just want to also say I liked the presentation very much. Dao, you did very well. I liked the game show idea. It was very creative. You interacted well with the audience. But one thing I must say, is that I didn’t get much information about the book, or at least I felt that way. I felt that if I didn’t read the book and went to this presentation, I would still be lost in your presentation. But overall, it was really engaging. I thought that having our discussion before the lecture is not really a good idea because we don’t really know how to talk about the book or what to talk about yet. I like the idea of a lecture before discussions.

OK, everyone have a good CalDay!!

Jennifer Y

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